The 2016 International Farming Systems Association Symposium is now calling for papers for the workshop “Boundary spanning between agroecological and conventional production systems: implications for pathways towards more sustainable production”.
This workshop (convened by researchers at CCRI, CAWR and Warwick University) will be held at 12th European IFSA Symposium: Social and technological transformation of farming systems: Diverging and converging pathways. Harper Adams University, UK from Tuesday 12 – Friday 15 July 2016.
Drs Julie Ingram, James Kirwan and Damian Maye will be co-convening workshops at the symposium, where there will be sessions linking to three EU funded projects for which the CCRI is currently a working partner –Glamur, SUFISA and VALERIE. Julie Ingram is also on the Steering Committee.
More information.