VALERIE project update

ask valerie 392pxThe CCRI is currently collaborating on a 4-year EU FP7 funded project, called ‘VALERIE’ (VALorising European Research for Innovation in agriculturE and forestry), which concerns research to underpin innovation in the agri-rural sector.

Many EU and nationally funded research projects in the fields of agriculture and forestry provide excellent results, but the outreach and translation of these results into field practices is limited. The overall aim of VALERIE is to boost the outreach of research by facilitating the integration into innovative field practices.

This project is building a ‘virtual adviser’ tool – – to enable this access; and to support communication among practitioners and advisers. Consulting stakeholders (advisers, farmers, processors, researchers, decision makers etc) in case studies is a key part of the project,  particularly in terms of developing In the process, the project has provided the case studies with information on innovations and given them the opportunity to test selected innovations in trials. Talking to stakeholders has identified innovation needs (research needs and gaps), and how they seek, interpret, and integrate new information. The project is now asking them as potential users to test and provide feedback on

Full information is available in the latest project update, which you can download here.  

[ddownload id=”12054″ text=”Download VALERIE project update “]

More information on the project can be found at