The CCRI is one of 27 project partners working on this 5 year EU FP7 project which will be looking at measures to prevent and remediate against soil degradation in Europe. The project will be involved in using an innovative transdisciplinary approach to actively integrate and advance knowledge of stakeholders and scientists in 17 Case Studies, covering a range of soil threats in different bio-physical and socio-economic environments across Europe.

Dr Julie Ingram, Dr Matt Reed and Jane Mills are the CCRI researchers involved in the project.
Although there is a large body of knowledge available on soil threats in Europe, this knowledge is fragmented and incomplete, in particular regarding the complexity and functioning of soil systems and their interaction with human activities.
The main aim of RECARE is to develop effective prevention, remediation and restoration measures using an innovative trans-disciplinary approach, actively integrating and advancing knowledge of stakeholders and scientists in 17 Case Studies, covering a range of soil threats in different bio-physical and socio-economic environments across Europe.
Concise project plan
Within the Case Study sites,
- The current state of degradation and conservation will be assessed using a new methodology, based on the WOCAT mapping procedure,
- Impacts of degradation and conservation on soil functions and ecosystem services will be quantified in a harmonized, spatially explicit way, accounting for costs and benefits, and possible trade-offs,
- Prevention, remediation and restoration measures selected and implemented by stakeholders in a participatory process will be evaluated regarding efficacy, and
- The applicability and impact of these measures at the European level will be assessed using a new integrated bio-physical and socio-economic model, accounting for land use dynamics as a result of for instance economic development and policies.
Policies and communication
Existing national and EU policies will be reviewed and compared to identify potential incoherence, contradictions and synergies. Policy messages will be formulated based on the Case Study results and their integration at European level. A comprehensive dissemination and communication strategy, including the development of a web-based Dissemination and Communication Hub, will accompany the other activities to ensure that project results are disseminated to a variety of stakeholders at the right time and in the appropriate formats to stimulate renewed care for European soils
The first RECARE project meeting took place in Valencia, Spain, between 13th to 17th January 2014, and was attended by Jane Mills and Dr Matt Reed. See the RECARE project page for more information.
- RECARE website
- CCRI Press Release 1 April 2014
- News video (in Portuguese) Investigadores avaliam estado do solo português após incêndios (Researchers assess the state of Portuguese soil after fires)
- RECARE newsletter December 2014
- RECARE newsletter December 2015
- RECARE newsletter April 2016

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 603498