This project, commissioned by the EC (DG AGRI), created a Synthesis of Mid-Term Evaluations (MTEs) of the 92 national, regional and network Rural Development Programmes (RDPs) 2007-2013, funded under the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) of the European Commission.
The work was carried out by Öster-reichisches Institut für Raumplanung ÖIR, in association with ÖAR Regional-beratung GmbH, Polish Academy of Science, ECORYS Nederland BV and the CCRI (led by Professor Janet Dwyer) during the year 2012.
Various sources of information were consulted in combination with the MTE reports and tools tailored specifically for the purpose of the Synthesis of the MTEs, requiring analysis of a wide range of quantitative and qualitative data, were developed and applied.
This synthesis report summarizes and analyses the MTEs of the Programmes, creating an overview of the Rural Development implementation progress across the EU and commenting on the strengths and limitations of the monitoring and evaluation framework.