Commissioned by Rural England CIC and funded by Cadent Gas, Southern Water, Wales & West Utilities and Western Power Distribution, this research built on previous work undertaken for the same funders, including work by CCRI which explored rural vulnerability from a public utilities’ perspective.
This research sought to drill down and explore in more detail, the experiences of a few vulnerable groups who are likely to have particular needs for utility use and PSR support. It sought to highlight rural-specific findings, where remoteness from other services and physical isolation may be compounding factors.
Undertaken by Freddie Dunwoodie-Stirton and Matt Reed, over a period of five months, beginning in February 2023, this research involved an evidence review, that augmented the previous work undertaken by CCRI, and forty interviews undertaken with customers, carers, charities and support organisations. The outcome of the project is a report that, while primarily for the commissioning Distribution Network Operators, will likely be of wider interest within the energy sector and among rural interest bodies.
CCRI REF: 2022-039