The CCRI are currently involved in an on-going series of themed research projects under the DEFRA Research and Experimental Development (R&D) Framework. R&D comprises creative work undertaken on systematic basis to increase the stock of knowledge, including knowledge of man, culture and society, and the use of this stock of knowledge to devise new applications. The term R&D
covers three activities: basic research, applied research and experimental development.
Research Development and Evidence Framework 1
This R&D Framework is focused on Food; Farming; Air Quality & Noise; and Socio Economic. CCRI will be involved in leading/collaborating on projects relating to three main topics:
- Enabling a Productive and Competitive Agri-Food Chain
- Supporting a Sustainable and Healthy Agri-Food Chain
- Farming Statistics
The CCRI are working as part of a consortium with James Hutton University and Environment Systems Ltd.
Research Development and Evidence Framework 2
This R&D Framework is focused on Flood & Water; Marine & Fisheries; Resource & Waste; and Animal & Plant Health. CCRI will be involved in leading/collaborating on projects relating to the following topic:
- Society and the Sea
The CCRI are working as part of a consortium with ICF Consulting Services Ltd, Risk Policy Analysis, Behavioural Insights Ltd, Poseidon Aquatic Resource Management Ltd and University of Plymouth Enterprise Limited.
CCRI are currently involved the following research project:
- The development and production of a robust national dataset exploring the social sustainability of UK fisheries. This dataset will be produced collaboratively, with the industry, in and will be utilised by both Defra policy teams and industry itself.