Postgraduate students are invited to submit an abstract for our Winter School, which is guided by the theme of rural-urban linkages.

The transcription from Julie Ingram's inaugural lecture is published complementing the footage and slides previously available.

Chris Short and John Powell are heading to northern Norway as part of the GOVOUT project.

The Future Treescapes 22 conference was held on 22nd September 2022. It ignited conversations around our woods, forests and treescapes and saw six new research projects launched

The Greensounds project, involving Alice Goodenough and Philip Reeder has been conducting numerous workshops throughout the spring and summer.

Six major research projects, which are part of the Future of UK Treescapes programme, have received a share of £3 million funding over the next two years from UK Research and Innovation.

Earlier this month, Katarina Kubinakova attended the annual European Rural Parliament (ERP) which this year was held in Kielce, Poland.

The CCRI team has had a number of publication success over the summer months including journal articles, book chapters and special issue journals.

Last month, CCRI's Charlotte Chivers gave two presentations at the 22nd World Congress of Soil Science, held in Glasgow.