
Latest news and updates from CCRI.

CCRI Postgraduate Winter School 2016

The programme for the 2016 CCRI Winter School is available to download. This year’s Winter School will be held on 13th – 14th January 2016 at the Park Campus of the University of Gloucestershire. [ddownload id=”9064″ text=”Download the 2016 Winter…

Call for papers for IFSA Workshop

A call for papers has been made for the IFSA Workshop: Boosting research outputs: novel approaches for integrating research translation with interactive co-innovation.

RECARE December newsletter

The CCRI is one of 27 project partners working on RECARE – a 5 year EU project which is looking at measures to prevent and remediate against soil degradation in Europe. RECARE has just published its December 2015 Newsletter.

2015 – A year in review

The CCRI has today published its annual review, which highlights our work and activities during 2015. The review can be accessed as a PDF, on Slideshare, or as an (free) iBook.