This project was set up to generate more substantive evidence of the impact of advice and support on the achievement of HLS agreements and scheme outcomes.

Guidance for the development and operational delivery of HLS agreements.

Janet Dwyer is currently working with CCRI Associate, Allan Butler, from the Royal Agricultural University, to provide an economic analysis and project evaluation of the ‘Molland Graze the Moor' project in Exmoor.

Following a successful evaluation of the Soil Association’s Duchy Originals Future Farming programme in 2014, a CCRI team, comprising Matt Reed, Julie Ingram and Jane Mills, was invited in 2016 to evaluate Innovative Farmers, the successor programme, which was developed building in recommendations from our previous evaluation.

This project is looked at best practice in farm demonstration and how farmers learn from their own on-farm experiences and from other farmers.

A five-year evaluation of the Going the Extra Mile (GEM) project begun in 2016, which further develops and applies social value research techniques. Funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) and National Lottery Community Fund, GEM aims to move the county’s most vulnerable adults closer to employment, training and education.

Rob Berry, CCRI's GIS expert has been working on a project that has required him to map the speed of rural broadband across England and Wales. In this post he shares some of his methods and the early results.

A project that invokes development of a theory of Change and forecasts Social return on investment (SROI).

Report on the impacts, effectiveness and efficiency of RDP expenditure.