Julie Ingram and Jane Mills are attending the Agridemo-F2F kick off meeting in Ghent this week.
The overall aim of AgriDemo-F2F (Building an interactive Agridemo–Hub community enhancing farmer to farmer learning) is to enhance peer-to-peer learning within the commercial farming community. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme.
The project is based on the premise that Demonstration and pilot farms have a major role to play in the application of scientific findings and the spreading of best practices and innovative farming approaches within the farming community; and that demonstration farms that operate under the same conditions as average commercial farms engender the most effective peer-to-peer learning.
This 30 month multi actor project will produce a better overview of effective practical approaches for demonstration activities on commercial farms. CCRI are coordinating WP 4 which will examine the mechanisms involved and the effectiveness of demonstration in selected case studies across Europe.
The project is coordinated by ILVO and the partners are shown on the map below and on the CORDIS website.
Agridemo F2F works alongside the PLAID project and the projects are sharing their kick off meetings