Julie Ingram and Hannah Chiswell will be helping to present the findings of the Agridemo project ( https://agridemo-h2020.eu/) at the final Farm Demo Conference 21st May 2019 in Brussels. The conference brings together stakeholders from farming, industry, policy and research to discuss best practice in farm demonstration, and to launch the FarmDemo interactive inventory.
FarmDemo https://farmdemo.eu/ is a close collaboration of 3 European projects funded under Horizon 2020. They all aim to enhance peer-to-peer learning and focus on farm demonstration as a tool to boost innovation uptake.
AgriDemo-F2F and PLAID focus on understanding the role of European commercial demonstration farms and prepare for more connectivity between actors involved in on-farm demonstrations. These projects develop a geo-referenced online inventory of demonstration farms and build an online FarmDemo-Hub community. NEFERTITI focuses on the establishment of 10 interactive thematic networks covering the 3 main agricultural sectors: animal production, arable farming and horticultural production.
Julie and Hannah together with Jane Mills have been leading Work Package 4 of Agridemo, this work package has involved: developing and applying the analytical framework and methodological guidelines for analysis of 33 case studies across Europe, and preparing best practice recommendations for delivering effective demonstration programmes, activities and events. The 30 month project concludes in June, and more information about the conference can be found here: https://farmdemo.eu/farmdemoconference/3.html