CCRI researchers Julie Ingram and Hannah Chiswell are in Sicily this week at the 24th Seminar on Agricultural Education and Extension “Agricultural Education and Extension tuned on innovation for sustainability. Experiences and perspectives”.
They are presenting findings from the EU funded H2020 research project Agridemo Farmer to Farmer. The overall aim of AgriDemo-F2F is to enhance peer-to-peer learning within the commercial farming community. The project will utilize the experience of different actors and involve practitioner partners throughout the project to deepen understanding of effective on farm demonstration activities. The project began in 2017.
Full details concerning the programme for the conference can be found on its website. Hannah is convening a workshop based on data from the project “Gender norms in on-farm demonstrations: Why new approaches to increase female participation are needed”.
Julie is also co-hosting a workshop with Lisa van Dijk on Evaluating Farmer-centred innovation: Methodologies and evidence to capture multiple outcomes.
You can find more research outputs from Hannah Chiswell and Julie Ingram on the University of Glocuestershire’s research repository.