Networking and Innovation at the AIS 2017

The VALERIE project iis mproving the accessibility and availability of new knowledge for innovation in agriculture and forestry
The VALERIE project is improving the accessibility and availability of new knowledge for innovation in agriculture and forestry

Julie Ingram was invited to attend the AGRI Innovation summit in Lisbon, Portugal, where over 500 delegates shared experiences and visions of innovation in European agriculture through twenty parallel interactive sessions covering five themes:

Resource Use (Adaptation and Mitigation)
Management of farming, food and forestry systems & valorization of the territory
Agriculture 4.0 and rural development
Digitizing rural economies
Innovation –shaping the future

Commissioners Carlos Moedas (Research, Science and Innovation) and Phil Hogan (Agriculture and Rural Development) spoke at the event.

Julie represented the EU funded  VALERIE and AgridemoF2F projects at the summit, for which she coordinates Work Packages that use stakeholder engagement to understand and improve the effectiveness of research translation and peer to peer learning in farm demonstrations, respectively.

The summit was jointly organised by a Portuguese consortium, the Portuguese Government, the EIP-AGRI network and the European Network for Rural Development and is promoting cross fertilization between multi-actor innovation initiatives, both under Rural Development Programmes and Horizon 2020, as well as raising awareness about innovation and digitisation opportunities for agriculture and rural economies and how these may be supported under on-going Rural Development Programmes.

This two-day event took place from 11th to 12th October 2017.