New ESRC Doctoral Training Partnerships

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The ESRC announced on the 1st of August support for a new group of Doctoral Training Partnerships.  The CCRI is delighted to announce that it is part of the Partnership led by Cardiff University.  From October 2017 students in the DTP will benefit from funding and training provided by the Universities that make up the partnership, sharing expertise and experience.

Janet Dwyer, Director of the CCRI, said, “This is an exciting development and a recognition of the status of the CCRI as achieving high-level outcomes in research and publications that mean we can support students to a very high level.  We are what the research council describes as ‘a pocket of excellence’ and through the DTP we can build on that strength”.

Matt Reed, who leads the CCRI contribution to the DTP said, “For students, this will mean that they can benefit from funding, the training opportunities of a large team of specialist social scientists and the chance to work with the CCRI on practical research.  In the next few months, we will be making some exciting announcements about the new possibilities this investment will open for students”.



1 – The full announcement and details of the ESRC scheme can be found at


2 – Full details of present and past CCRI students can be found at: