CCRI’s Matt Reed is lined up to give a presentation as part of the University of Gloucestershire’s Research Methods Seminar Series.
On Wednesday, 26th October, Matt will be talking about qualitative methods for understanding how Twitter is used in political campaigning. Through a discussion of how Nvivo can be used to capture and analyse social media, in combination with other forms of textual analysis, he will explore how Twitter has been used in recent public controversies. The talk is related to paper that Matt wrote and had published in June 2016, entitled “This loopy idea’ an analysis of UKIP’s social media discourse in relation to rurality and climate change.”
The seminar will take place at the university’s Francis Close Hall campus, between 16.30 – 17.30 hrs. It is free to attend, but you should register beforehand on the event website, where you will also find more information.
On 28th September, Rachel Sumner is presenting ’Systematic Reviews’. Rachel will take you through different types of reviews, focussing mainly on systematic reviews. She will go through the basic steps you need to take in preparing, conducting, and writing up a systematic review; along with practical hints and tips on resources that will help guide you. You can also book your free place at this seminar on the event website.
These seminars are open to everyone; staff and students alike. The aim is to provide an open and friendly environment where people from a range of research areas and interests can talk together about research to enable learning about different approaches in order to raise awareness of research for all. Each month the seminar will look at a particular aspect of research from the practical perspective of the presenter. The seminars will take an accessible and practical approach and act as a ‘safe space’ to think through the challenges of the research process.
Offers to present are welcome from anyone involved in research from undergraduate level onwards. Presentations can be around a current research project, maybe on an issue which is causing difficulty, a project in progress, or one that has been completed. For any enquiries or offers to present, please contact Liz on