In March 2011, the CCRI was commissioned to undertake an assessment of the Local Food programme using the Social Return on Investment (SROI) framework, an established methodology recognised by the Cabinet Office that has been developed from social accounting and cost-benefit analysis.
In SROI, monetary values are used to represent outcomes, which enables a ratio of benefits-to-investment to be calculated and the amount of social, economic and environmental value created for every £1 invested in the programme.
During the Local Food Celebratory Event in November 2013 at the Lowry, Manchester, Professor Paul Courtney from the University of Gloucestershire presented the initial results from the SROI report to 130 delegates, including dignitaries from the sector, Local Food funded projects and other interested parties.
The findings suggest that every £1 invested in Local Food returns £7 to society in the form of social and economic outcomes including health and well-being, training and skills.
Download the full report.
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