
Latest news and updates from CCRI.

Damian Maye to give opening speech at FOODMETRES conference

CCRI’s Dr Damian is a member of the Advisory Committee for the EU project FOODMETRES (‘Food Planning and Innovation for Sustainable Metropolitan Regions’), which aims to assess the environmental and socio-economic impacts of food chains with regard to the spatial,…

A tale of two cities

With a small grant from the Bavarian Research Alliance, Dr Keech is currently working with Otto Friedrich University (OFU) in Bamberg on a piece of comparative research examining socio-cultural and governance issues linked to food, sustainability and identity in the…

Directorial Dilemmas

As part of the CCRI’s endeavours to increase dissemination and engagement with social media, we have begun to create short films, most recently to help with promoting the forthcoming policy conference. Taking the lead on this has been Research Assistant,…

A new route to innovation – by Dr Matt Reed

Senior Research Fellow, Dr Matthew Reed, recently wrote a blog piece about the importance of innovation for The Growth Hub, which is a collaboration between GFirst and the University of Gloucestershire, who have come together to create a innovative way of supporting new and existing businesses to maximise their potential. You can read his blog here.

Cheese Exchanges – GLAMUR Project

The CCRI recently had a visitor from the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Emilia Schmitt, who has been working on the 'GLAMUR' project and is completing her PhD at the institute of agricultural sciences came to the UK to investigate cheese makers in the UK.

Babies & Bathwater – Greener Gloucestershire

Chris Short from CCRI took part in the Greener Gloucestershire festival held over the weekend at the University of Gloucestershire’s Park campus. Chris was engaged in a debate concerning GM food production